Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Di Immortales!

I've just finished rereading Rick Riordan's The Lightning Thief. I couldn't remember why I liked the series in first place and after finding out about Riordan's new book that's due to come out later this March, I decided that now was a good time to take on the task of rereading all the Percy Jackson books, Kane Chronicles, finish reading Heroes of Olympus, and read Riordan's other new book, Magnus Chase. In addition to that, I splurged on ebooks, because that's the medium I'm using lately, and I got the three short stories Riordan has written that is a crossover between Percy Jackson and the Kane Chronicles. I'm excited to be doing this and I'll probably post periodically about where I'm at and my own reactions to the books I've read before and to the books I'm reading fresh. Now... The Lightning Thief... where do I start... Sarcasm is usually something that doesn't get conveyed that well and gets lost when reading the work. One of the things that I love, and I'm remembering that I loved, about the Percy Jackson series was the dialogue that added to the character's personalities. Here are some of my favorite things said by characters in The Lightning Thief.

"I'm thinking of turning you into a dolphin instead, and sending you back to your father." - Dionysus

"I hate it when people say that! I hate Australia! Naming that ridiculous animal after me." - Echidna after Percy mentions the creature.

"I felt like drowning myself. The only problem: I was immune to drowning. Your father believes in you, she had said. She'd also called me brave... unless she was talking to the catfish." - Percy

"A hundred yards away, at the entrance pool, the Cupids were still filming. The statues had swiveled so that their cameras were trained straight on us, the spotlights in our faces. "Show's over" I yelled. "Thank you! Good night!" The Cupids turned back to their original positions. The lights shut off. The park went quiet and dark again, except for the gentle trickle of water into the Thrill Ride of Love's exit pool. I wondered if Olympus had gone to a commercial break, or if our ratings had been any good." - Percy

Moments of light when the dark is upon, that's what I like. Anyway, that's all, Sanders out.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you!! Be warned about the last book of Heroes of Olympus. It's best if your expectations aren't high. I haven't read Magnus Chase yet, still debating whether I should read those. But I'll definitely be reading The Trials of Apollo.
