Monday, September 30, 2013

The clock is ticking and does it really matter whose fault it is?

Ok, so if you were to turn on the news right now, chances are you will see a little countdown clock. This clock is counting down to the government shutdown. Right now, the senate/house, whatever, is trying to make sure this shutdown doesn't happen. A government shutdown isn't a good thing and if it happens the message it will send won't get through to the politicians. No if the shutdown happens the politicians will be too busy arguing about who started/ caused it and nothing will get fixed or realized. Fox News currently has a poll asking the people who's fault it is. Naturally, people blame the president the most. Though there is a small percent that blame either the house or senate, or all three. Personally, I believe that everyone played a part in this so they all share the blame. Which brings us to this point, does it really matter who is to blame? As kids, weren't we always told that it didn't matter whose fault it was but to suck it up and fix the problem? Ok maybe not necessarily using the term suck it up, but still. It shouldn't matter whose fault it is but how they will fix it? All that the politicians are doing is trying to talk over one another so nothing is getting solved. So I leave you with this, who do you think is at fault and does it really matter?

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Change... It's something we all go through. It's something that life throws at you when you least expect it. It's something you plan for. It's something we all fear at times. None the less, change can be a great thing. Change can be the thing that saves you when you've hit rock bottom. Change can be what determines your future. Overall, change is a force that is greater than most other forces. Change can force us to think on our feet. Change. It can be scary and intimidating, but over all, change is necessary.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Could some one explain this to me? Cause I don't get it...

I don't understand the sagging of the pants. It looks stupid to me and it screams, hey pants me! I mean the other day, I saw some guy walking on the sidewalk with his pants sagging. Ok truth be told, I don't mind too much, just when I can see your boxers and your waist band is half way down your butt, is when it gets too me. Anyway, this guy is walking a long HOLDING UP HIS PANTS! Why is this important? Well, when he let go of his pants, two seconds later, his pants were pretty close to his ankles. So please, enlighten me on this pants sagging, cause I just don't get it. It looks cool, is not a valid answer. It looks gangster or SWAG or whatever, is not a valid answer. If some one could give me an answer that doesn't involve the phrase, I looks, that would be great. Challenge has been initiated. 

And now a quote on life...

"Life is like a pony. It has it's good days. It has it's bad days. And some days, you just want to wring it's neck." ~ Cindy S.

Friday, September 13, 2013

And now yet another rant about politics and politicians...

Ok, so Syria. Chemical weapons being used. Ok it's bad. Yes they need to be stopped, but is it really going to make a difference. While I'm not saying that we shouldn't do anything, we need to understand that we don't have the same amount of power that we did in WWII. In his address to the nation, the President states,

"Others have asked whether it's worth acting if we don’t take out Assad.  As some members of Congress have said, there’s no point in simply doing a “pinprick” strike in Syria.

Let me make something clear:  The United States military doesn't do pinpricks.  Even a limited strike will send a message to Assad that no other nation can deliver."

That might work, if we had the same power that we used to. Also it has become clear to me that Russia is Assad's strongest ally. So this means that if this backfires and we have to use force, America might find itself in a war with Russia. Hopefully, this all blows over "smoothly" and we won't have to worry.

Also, it seems that France, the United Kingdom, and China as well as some other European countries may or are going to get involved. The President says this in his address,

"I've spoken to the leaders of two of our closest allies, France and the United Kingdom, and we will work together in consultation with Russia and China to put forward a resolution at the U.N. Security Council requiring Assad to give up his chemical weapons, and to ultimately destroy them under international control."

And finally the President also states this,

"And we will continue to rally support from allies from Europe to the Americas -- from Asia to the Middle East -- who agree on the need for action." 

So it seems to me, that the World is going to get involved. But what happens if it doesn't work and fighting begins? 

On that note, my rant is now coming to a close. I leave you with this, How long until Germany gets involved?
We shall see.

If you want to read the President's speech, you can go to this link: