Monday, November 30, 2015

Criminal Minds

I've been binge watching Criminal Minds this past week, starting from Season 1. So I'm all Criminal Minds-y. I got through season three before school came back to haunt me so I'm happy. I thought I might do a post about the one liners or small jokes (really things I found amusing) that might get overlooked in the middle of all the seriousness. But then I thought about all the little things that I pick up from the show and doing something about that. And then I thought about all the little book end quotes and references to literature and media. And then I thought about the references to real life criminals. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do. I might do a post about everything. Who knows, maybe this will turn into a Criminal Minds week. But for now... Sanders out. *cue Criminal Minds theme song*

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tag: R.I.P It or Ship It: TV Shows

The rules are pretty simple:
1. Write down the names of characters from different books on scraps of paper.
2. Put them in a container of your choosing.
3. Pull out two names at the time and show them to your audience in whatever way you like.
4. Decision time! Do you ship them or do you want their relationship to die a peaceful/painful death? Tell the world!

No questions? Splendid! Let’s get this party started!

So I decided to use a random group generator. So here we go...

Names I used:

Arron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)
Spencer Ried (Criminal Minds)
Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds)
Carlton Lassiter (Psych)
Shawn Spencer (Psych)
Tony Stark (Marvel)
Loki (Marvel)
Mike Ross (Suits)
Harvey Specter (Suits)
Anthony DiNozzo (NCIS)
Timothy McGee (NCIS)
Clint Barton (Marvel)
Jack Harknes (Torchwood)
Ianto Jones (Torchwood)

It just occured to me that there are no girls on this list so... Yah. Have fun here's what we are working with for parings...

Clint Barton and Carlton Lassiter
Lets see... Clint and Lassie-face... Hmm... I like it. I could see it working to a degree. Clint could take Lassie's sarcasm and bluntness and in turn Lassie would love to watch Clint at the range doing his thing. So I'm going to... Ship it!

Timothy McGee and Mike Ross
Hmm... I don't know... I just don't see it. Tim and Mike are both smart but at the same time not too dominant. It would be two submissive (just in temperment, not talking BDSM here people). While it might be ideal at the same time I just don't see it... So I'm going to... R.I.P it.

Arron Hotchner and Ianto Jones
Well isn't this interesting... I'm trying to see it... Trying to... And I'm not seeing it. Not very well at least. Maybe for someone else this would work but for me I'm going to just... R.I.P it.

Derek Morgan and Loki
Ooo,,, Another one that just makes my soul a little happy... Hmm... I could see it. Loki up to his tricks on a friendly scale. Derek finding him amusing and just loving the leather and cotton v-necks and skinny jeans. Loki taking care of him when he comes home oh yes... Ship it!

Spencer Ried and Anthony DiNozzo
Since I ship McNozzo, Ried isn't too much of a step from Tim. Still Reid is a whole different person from Tim. But would I ship it... I ship things to last... So the question is do I see this working long term? The answer is probably not. I see it as someone screwing it up them braking up but making up later. Maybe then it would be a solid relationship... But do I ship it... or do I R.I.P it? Hmm... Not sure.... For now it's a tentative... Ship it.

Shawn Spencer and Harvey Specter
Oh god... What to do with this... Ok... So I see... Shenanigans... Shawn would have the mind that can remember like Mike but a completely different temperament from Mike. It wouldn't work... So I'm going to... R.I.P it.

Jack Harkness and Tony Stark
Oh isn't this an interesting ship... These guys are both emotionally damaged yet still live life to the fullest. I think it would be an interesting dynamic but at the same time one for the books. So I'm going to... Ship it-ish.

So that's it for R.I.P it or Ship it. I tag anyone who wants to do this. It was actually quite fun. I might do one with the anime I watch so yeah. Sanders out.

Dogs of C-Kennel, Part 3

And some more Dogs of C-Kennel... As always...

Disclaimer: I am not saying in anyway shape or form that I own the Dogs of C-Kennel. The strip belongs to John Hart Studios and you can see more of the strip here at

There's a reason this is my favorite strip... Sanders out.

Dogs of C-Kennel, Part 2

And now... Some more Dogs of C-Kennel... In case you misses part one (link)... also, so I don't get hauled off...

Disclaimer: I am not saying in anyway shape or form that I own the Dogs of C-Kennel. The strip belongs to John Hart Studios and you can see more of the strip here at

Expect more soon... Sanders out.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Volunteering Can Be Rewarding

Yesterday, I was a volunteer photographer at the Free to Breath 5K in Athens. Free to Breath is an organization that raises money for lung cancer research. Their goal it to double survival rate of lung cancer by 2022. It was a fun experience, and one I would do again. My parents have both done 5Ks before. Dad runs/jogs and Mom walks. I'm not much on running, jogging, or walking so I've never actually gone to one. I liked it a lot. The energy was great and it was fun. But it was fun because I was doing something I loved. I worked with two other photographers. We each picked a spot and worked that area. Among the three of us I'm pretty sure we did alright as far as covering the whole event. As of ten minutes ago, I've reached out to the Georgia SPCA, located about 5 minutes from where I live, to see if they could use my skills as a photographer to take pictures of some of their animals in a setting that isn't so clinical. They had a posting on that I answered so hopefully I can be of use. I've got the skill, might as well be useful.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Sentient Toaster and Shenanagins

For the past two days, I have been rereading what is by far the most hilarious, the randomest, fall-out-of-your-chair-because-it's-that-ridiculous series of fics in the Avengers fandom. It's my favorite series in the fandom because it's so hilarious and ridiculous. Now what is this brilliant series of fics?

I suppose officially the series is called "In Which Tony Stark Builds Himself Some Friends (But His Family Was Assigned by Nick Fury)." But that's a mouthful. So I prefer to refer to it as Toasterverse. Toasterverse? Why Toasterverse? Well, because of one key thing... Sentient Toaster. What's a sentient toaster have to do with anything, well you just have to read the series to find out.

Link to the main series:

Now, there are other random side short fics that go with Toasterverse called "Phil Coulson's Case Files of the Toasterverse." Basically, it's pure shenanigans that also manage to have a plot line of their own. Why should I bother with a side plot? Why, because shenanigans. Steve loses his temper and acquires a protest sign, the Avengers aren't allowed to go to IKEA anymore, SHIELD makes poor choices (and Tony doesn't know what to do with the world if he conquered it), all this and more in a side plot... Ok a side series (multiple fics, yay!).

Link to side series that ties in with the main:

But here's the thing, the side plot mixes in with the main plot. SO! Things aren't exactly in order. But never fear (unless you didn't have any fear) I've given you the chronological order of both the main series and side series.

Here's the order:

SHIELD Has Paperwork for Everything (Casefile 5) (link)
Hollow Your Bones Like a Bird’s (Casefile 6) (link)
Some Things Shouldn’t Be a Chore (Toasterverse 1) (link)
Ordinary Workplace Hazards (Toasterverse 2) (link)
Phil Coulson is Not the Avengers PR Manager (Casefile 1) (link)
Phil Coulson Does Not Bake (Casefile 2) (link)
Phil Coulson Wasn’t Grown In a Lab (He Has a Mom) (Casefile 13) (link)
Phil Coulson is Not the Avengers’ Matchmaker (Casefile 7) (link)
Four (Or Five) Reasons for Kidnapping Tony Stark (Toasterverse 3) (link)
Phil Coulson is Not a SHIELD Recruiter (Casefile 3) (link)
Phil Coulson Doesn’t Take Attendance (Casefile 6) (link)
Discussions in Dynamic Relationships (Casefile 11) (link)
Dating the Long Way Around (Toasterverse 4) (link)
Things Unseen (That Are Captured on Film) (Toasterverse 5) (link)
Hunting the Hero (Toasterverse 6) (link)
Phil Coulson Knows Tony Stark's Super Villain Name (Casefile 15) (link)
Phil Coulson Can’t Keep the Avengers Out of Medical (Casefile 4) (link)
Over the River and Through the Woods (Casefile 17) (link)
Extracurricular Activities (Casefile 12) (link)
Phil Coulson Doesn’t Work for StarkIndustries (Casefile 9) (link)
Best of Life and Asgard (Casefile 10) (link)
Diplomatic Relations and Intelligence Failures (Casefile 16) (link)

Casefile 8 (Ghosts of Christmas Memory) (link) and Casefile 14 (Avengers Calendar) (link) fall in multiple places in the timeline.

Now, some of the little side things aren't finished, but you know what you should still read them and continue on down the trail that is Toasterverse. Ok now the preface warnings that I feel obligated to tell you. While this series is hilarious, it is an Avengers fic so it wouldn't be complete without some form of dark topics and deep moments. As for ships/pairings/relationships we have... Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, eventual Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, Jane Foster/Thor, eventual Bruce Banner/Betty Ross, and eventual Maria Hill/Sif. This is a series filled with angst, feels, hilariousness, shenanigans, some slash, and the Avengers all living together under one roof that is Avengers Tower. The general ratings for these fics are Teen to Mature so be well mature. But it's all great and amazing and I'm going to wrap this up now because I want to go finish my reread of this series... Heck, I might read it a third time. Hmm... This was fun...  Note to self: Self do another post highlighting other favorite fics. This was my second time doing a post involving a fic I think... Hmm... Anyway, I hope you read this wonderful series filled with shenanigans and pure awesomeness. I'm off to finish what I was reading in this wonderful Toasterverse. Sanders out.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Beginning and the End

I have a thing I do when I get a new book to read. I flip to the back and read the last sentence. Not the last page, not the last paragraph. The last sentence. I find the last period and follow that string of words to the first period I see followed by a capital letter (unless it's a name then that gets slightly confusing, If it's something spoken then it's when the quotes begin and when they end. ) and read the last sentence. It's weird, I know. I can hear people screaming at me telling me that I spoil it for myself, but you know what, I like what I do and it's fun to see that I have quite the journey from the first sentence to the last. That I have to read to figure out why the last sentence is what it is. It's fun. I recommend you trying it at least once. That's my challenge unto you this time. Read the last sentence of whatever new book your starting this time, before you begin reading. Anyway the books I've got right now are.

An Elegant Solution by Paul Robertson

Last sentence: "It was slow, and terrible, and grievous," I said, "But the end is sure. It's the greatest law of any."

First sentence: Of dust is man made, and to dust man returns.

Back cover sentence thingy: When the rules that govern men are shattered, all you can trust are the invisible rules that govern life itself.

OooOoo... Ominous. Should be interesting. I'm expecting great things from this book. It's historical suspense and involves math, an old family, black mail, murder, the usual.

The Status of All Things by Lis Fenton & Lisa Steinke

Last sentence: Bus as his fingers meet mine, I decide that I'm ready to take the journey, no mater where it might lead us.

First sentence: Not including the little status update blurb thing. I uploaded my status to Facebook, tuck my cell phone away, and try to savor the only minute alone I've had all day.

Back cover sentence thingy: If you could literally rewrite your fate-would you? 

Again, OooOoo... Ominous. The concept of this book is interesting. It involves time travel to and social media. 

Clockwork Lives by Kevin J. Anderson & Neil Peart

Last sentence: They would make plans, choosing where they wanted to go and what they wanted to see for their next big adventure... come springtime.

First sentence: As a blue alchemical glow illuminated the rails, the streamliner came into Lugtown on its weekly run toward Crown City, the heart of the land of Albion.

Back cover sentence thingy: Some lives can be summed up in a sentence or two. Other lives are epics.

I'm really excited to read this book. For one the way this book is printed is just gorgeous, I've never seen a book so beautiful that pictures don't do it justice. I think I'm going to start it first just so I can show everyone how beautiful this book is. Even with the stupid library stickers on it, it's just so pretty! Anyway, this book involves airships, alchemy, clockwork things (duh), lost cities, and rules apparently. So this is going to be all so very interesting. This would be the first steam-punk fantasy novel I'll read so fingers crossed it's good.

So those are the book I'm hopefully going to be able to read and finish before they are due back to the library or before renewal status is up and they can no longer be renewed. I literally just pulled books off the shelves hoping they would be good, I haven't had much time to put some thought into what I'm reading. I would read Swann's Way by Marcel Proust (as I've been trying to since Summer) but I need to have the right mind set for that book and right now I don't, hopefully during Thanksgiving break. Sanders out.

Monday, November 2, 2015

In Regards to My Strange Little Lyric Found Poem

So it hit me like an hour ago that I was, once again, starting my strange cycle of falling into a strange hole and staying there for a time before I suck it up and pull myself out. This happens every so often and honestly, while sometimes it is relieving (maybe even relaxing to a degree), it's also really annoying. When I start a decent into a strange little hole, I start retracting into my mind, I move the various boxes of various random topics around in my mind and sometimes even open them. Depending on what's in a particular box, opening up the random boxes in my mind can be a really exciting time. Though sometimes I'll open a box that has things within it that I really don't want to revisit.  I also start to be a little withdrawn. If I'm not careful, almost nothing gets done and stuff gets put off until the last minute.

The last time I did this, I figured out that music helped pull me out faster, more or less. I had a selection of songs whose lyrics spoke to me in a way that kept me going and willing to pull myself out of my strange little hole. So the strange little lyric found poem thingy that I just posted is a selection of lyrics that are put together in such a way that is meant to be more or less uplifting. It's got a random song from The Pacifier, some Muse, some Les Mis, some Spirit, and some Avril Lavigne. One might say it's a strange little mix of lyrics, but hey, I'm a strange little person. Sanders out.

This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song

'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

When you're down and low

Lower than the floor. 
And you feel like you ain't got a chance.

Then from on high - somewhere in the distance
There's a voice that calls, "Remember who you are"
If you lose yourself - your courage soon will follow
So be strong tonight - remember who you are

It's OK
I'll find a way
You ain't gonna take me down no way

Never gonna give in
never gonna give it up, no

I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry

The night has reached its end
We can't pretend
We must run
We must run
It's time to run

Take us away from here
Protect us from further harm

I am warning you Javert
I'm a stronger man by far
There is power in me yet
My race is not yet run

Never gonna give in
Never gonna give it up.