Tuesday, December 15, 2015

All Aboard! All Aboard!

Where are we going? Why into my head of course, this is Stranger Things Have Happened! Well, you coming?

Happy Holidays! Yes I parodied the Polar Express, I could have parodied the actual song you know. I have that talent.
It's the squirrely mind of a high school girl, 
Never takes a rest. 
Zipping through a million zillon thoughts. 
Come with me and follow the thought 
(You can come with me) 
If you just say yes! 
Cause Stranger Things Have Happened 
Is eclectic, that's right.
Oh, and she does it again! Anyway, what was I doing, that's right. Happy Holidays! It's December! And finals week! (cue weak yays) Anyway, I'm ready for this week to be over, but I thought I'd brighten my own life up, and maybe yours as well in the process, by writing a post because hey, I'm me and I do what I want... Sometimes. Now... Let's get down to business, to write this post. Did you come for a rant, when I aim to 'tain? (Oh look another parody... A rather weak one, but still a decent one). Anyway, let's talk... Christmas specials. Those are on now right? Yes, cool.

PREP AND LANDING IS THE BEST! That's it. Ok, that's not it. I generally can't stand Christmas specials for two reasons. One- they are almost always those stop motion things and those creep me out. Two- if they aren't stop motion, they are freaking Charlie Brown and there is only so much of that kid face palming and saying "good grief" that one can take before one starts face palming and saying "good grief" themselves. But there is one (ok, two) Christmas specials that I can stand... Disney's Prep and Landing. Have you ever wondered how it all gets done? How Santa gets in and out of millions of homes all in one night? Let's just say he has a little help. The operation has its challenges, but Prep and Landing always prepared. Their mission statement is: Get in. Get out. Never be noticed.

Prep and Landing came out in 2009. In 2011, they got their sequel. Prep and Landing has that typical lesson learned thing that Disney is known for, but it's also filled with one liners and moments that just make it awesome. There is a reason that Dasher and Dancer are my favorite reindeer, that reason is Prep and Landing. It's just sooo tinsel! Although, really they should have just made it about the reindeer. Keep it together Dancer. Anyway, that's Prep and Landing. If you ever get a chance to watch it, watch it.

Now moving on to... nothing... Random thoughts.

I want to watch the Polar Express.
I want to watch Prep and Landing.
I wish life wasn't so strange.
Disney is awesome.
I want to be a pixie.
I think I might write stuff over the break.
Mannheim Steamroller!!!!
I like parodies.
My random thoughts are kind of boring tonight.

Ok time to wrap this up. Happy Holidays! Good luck on finals! Make good choices, and jingle all the way. Dash away all, Sanders out.

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, your posts always make me laugh. I love the Polar Express parody! How sad is it that I have no idea what Prep and Landing is?
