Friday, September 11, 2015

Tag: Bookish Beginnings

My friends Stellah [The Little Book Nerd's Life] and Shouni [Through the Book Portal] did this on their own blogs and I liked it so I'm doing it. This is the Inside & Out Tag created by MathomBooks. Huh... Should have just put [insert awkward introduction here]. Anyway, onwards!

I Inside flap/Back of the book summaries: Too much info? Or not enough (Discuss) 
I tend to find that the blurb of info found either on the inside flap or back of the book is generally enough information. Now, there are times when that blurb gives too much info, but 8 times out of 10, that little blurb is enough to get me interested. At least, interested enough to read the first page and/or the first chapter.

N New book: What form do you want it in? Be honest: Audiobook, E-Book, Paperback, or Hardcover?
Order of preference: Paperback, e-book, hardcover, audiobook. I like paperbacks because they're lighter and can be stuck most everywhere. E-books, I can just stick them on my iPad mini and go. Hardcovers are nice to have, but their jackets annoy me. Like seriously, I take them off and put them in a hanging file folder in my desk drawer. Hardcovers also take up space, you can't just stick them somewhere. Audiobooks... I can deal with them. The only audiobook I willingly have is the Red Necklace because Tom Hiddleston reads it. If J Michael Tatum, my favorite voice actor, were to do an audio book, I'd get that too.

S Scribble while you read? Do you like to write in your books, taking notes, making comments, or do you keep your books clean clean clean? (Tell us why)
I don't generally write in my books unless it's meant to be written in. I don't know why I don't, I just don't.

I In your best voice, read for us your favorite 1st sentence from a book.
How about my favorite first page...

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

First the colors.
       Then the humans.
       That's usually how I see things.
       Or at least, how I try.

* * * HERE IS A SMALL FACT * * *
You are going to die.

I am in all truthfulness attempting to be cheerful about this whole topic, though most people find themselves hindered in believing me, no mater my protestations. Please, trust me. I most definitely can be cheerful. I can be amiable. Agreeable. Affable. And that's only the A's. Just don't ask me to be nice. Nice has nothing to do with me.

* * * REACTION TO THE * * *
Does this worry you?
I urge you - don't be afraid.
I'm nothing if not fair.

The Book Thief is one of my favorites. Mostly because it's narrated by Death. That first page... There's something about it that makes me want to keep going and not stop until I reach the end, until I reach the final sentence... 

I am haunted by humans.

D Does it matter to you whether the author is male or female when you're deciding on a book? What if you're unsure of the author's gender? 
Honestly, half the time I don't even know the name of who wrote the darn thing. I don't even know who wrote what I'm currently reading (my me book not what we have for AP Lit). A big arrow could be over the book with the words, "So and so wrote this!" and I STILL wouldn't know who wrote it. So to answer the question, no, I don't care about the author's gender, doesn't matter to me.

E Ever read ahead? or have you ever read the last page way before you got there? (Do confess thy sins, foul demon!) :)
I admit it. While I haven't read the entire last page, I do tend to read the last sentence of a book. Don't know why, I just do. Now, am I guilty of finding spoilers? Yes, yes I am. I've been known to jump the gun and google something for more info and managing to find spoilers.


O Organized bookshelves, or Outrageous bookshelves?
The only thing on my bookshelves that are remotely organized are my yearbooks and photography books. If a book is in a series and I have multiple books in that series, I'll put them together so they're in order from left to right. Everything else... It's a little bit of a free for all.

U Under oath: have you ever bought a book based on the cover (alone)? 
Hmm... Not sure actually... Maybe... Honestly not sure... Now, have I gotten a book based on the title, yes, yes I have. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is an excellent example.

T Take it outside to read, or stay in?
Anywhere I can read is great. Though my favorite spots are the ones that take a bit more effort to find. Those spots that are quiet and calm. The spots that rarely have anyone, or one's pets, wandering by. The ones that allow you to be so quiet and immerse yourself so fully into the book you're reading, that the whole world just vanishes and for that moment, you're in the book and are apart of the book.

I'm tagging anyone who wants to do this tag. So... Tag!

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