I am SO pumped! Whoo! If I could I would totally run laps around the school right now. But, I can't so I'm not. Anyway, today was actually pretty fun. I freaked out for a moment though when I realized that I didn't do something this morning but the day was fine. In AP Euro, we did a little bit of geography work and put the routes of explorers on a map and where Spanish and Portuguese colonies were, as well as where their trade centers were. I still don't know where the Dutch trade centers where though... I figure it out eventually. AP Lit. That class and that man. I can honestly say, for a moment, I thought I was going to die. First of all, Mr. Johnson has a stuffed monkey on his desk that I managed to sit right in its line of sight. I thought it was staring into my soul. Then, I watched him put up a sign that said, "Do not disturb if lights are off. Late students wait in the hall." So naturally, I put the monkey staring into my sole and that sign together and thought, "I'm going to die today. Right here. This is it." Then Mr. Johnson started explaining things, he said we were going to have our eyes closed so that just cemented the fact that I thought I was going to die. Anyway, I didn't die. Instead our activity was actually really interesting. I learned something about myself. I always thought my happy place was Camp Meriwether, but now, my happy place is my favorite teacher's classroom. I fought it a little at first, but then I stopped wondering what it meant if my happy place was my favorite teacher's classroom. So that was AP Lit today. In AP Environmental, we looked at various things about the earth... Like volcano locations, elevation charts, my group looked at a locations of earthquakes and the depth of the earthquakes. It was actually really interesting and cool.
The reds show a shallow depth while the blues are really deep. But you can see that most of the earthquakes happen around the fault lines, the boundaries of the tectonic plates.
See! If you compare where the earthquakes occur and where the fault lines are, they match up and everything makes sense as to why earthquakes happen where they do. Isn't that really cool!!! |
So that was AP Environmental. AP Euro we just went over what causes changes in supply or demand. Then lunch. For yearbook, we went to the art room and did photography things. Ms. Prince was talking about shutterspeed today, the final part to the Triangle of Life (at least that's what I call it). It's a photography thing. Basically it just shows that if you change one thing it affects the others. The other parts are ISO and Aperture.

So that was yearbook. I talked to Ms. Milstead about my SCE and what I could do for her. I'm brainstorming ideas of an activity or something to better explain the 9 layers of hell in Dante's Inferno or something about the medieval period, like why people just died in that period. Then in 3D modeling, I continued making the little monster we're currently working on. In AP Calc, we reviewed for our test. And now, I'm blogging during SCE. This post took me an hour to write. Mr. Brey, the principal, is wandering around the SRC and now I think he's leaving. He did a few things last year that irked me. He hasn't really done anything this year that has irked me, but I'm sure he's already irked someone somewhere. Mr. Brown is talking to Ms. Napoleon and I'm trying not to think about the one rule that applies to every European history class. So that was my day, it was fun, slightly eventful but not too eventful. Tomorrow is Friday, things are happening on Friday, I've got a Calc test and apparently we are doing the newspaper activity in yearbook again, so NEWSPAPER HATS!!! Well, that's it for now. Nikon out.
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