Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Another Message from Your GM
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
The Magnificent Man
The Writer's Room
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Tag: R.I.P It or Ship It: Anime
The rules are pretty simple:
1. Write down the names of characters from different books on scraps of paper.
2. Put them in a container of your choosing.
3. Pull out two names at the time and show them to your audience in whatever way you like.
4. Decision time! Do you ship them or do you want their relationship to die a peaceful/painful death? Tell the world!
No questions? Splendid! Let’s get this party started!
Characters Used:
Arthur Kirkland (Otherwise known as England; Hetalia)
Alfred Jones (Otherwise known as America; Hetalia)
Kyoya Otori (Ouran High School Host Club)
Tomoe (Kamisama Kiss)
Rei Ogami (Code;Breaker)
Lelouch Vi Britannia (Code Geass)
Rintaru Okabe (Steins;Gate)
Silvia De Alisia (Aquarion)
Shrade Elan (Aquarion EVOL)
Mix (Aquarion EVOL)
Haruka Nanase (Free!)
Rin Matsuoka (Free!)
I think the guys out number the girls this time... Yeah, have fun with that. Now here are the ships!
That's it for this R.I.P It or Ship It. I might do one that is just Hetalia (sooo many ships) or maybe I'll go back to TV shows and movies. Maybe I'll do a book edition. Who knows. All I know is that I really like doing these and I hope you enjoy reading them, even if you don't know the shows and characters. So for now, Sanders out.
Monday, May 9, 2016
A Message from Your GM
Sunday, May 8, 2016
The Ship
"Ship it."
"Ship it like Fedex"
"If it fits it ships."
If you haven't, you are one of the lucky few who haven't been thrust into this crazy world (or you have and you just don't know the terms yet). Today is about shipping and my obsession with it (yes, I'm obsessed. No, I don't have a problem, I just ship anything and everything). BTW, Pinterest is a lovely little thing where you can find old Tumblr posts that are just brilliant.

Let's start with the basics...
What is shipping?
Shipping [Verb] : support or have a particular interest in a romantic pairing between two characters in a fictional series, often when this relationship is one portrayed by fans rather than depicted in the series itself.
I have many ships. I used to have one or two then they evolved into a small pier and then a nice fleet and now it's just an armada.

Now that you know what a ship is, or at least have a basic definition, let's get to the fun part.
The Beginning
Picture this. You're watching something, reading something, doing whatever and you see two characters interact for a while and think, "They should be together." You might not realize it but you've just shipped something. You start rooting for them and either a) get excited when it becomes canon (apart of the story) or b) wonder why they ended up not together or with other people (sorry, but that ship has been sunk by the writers). But worry not, in your own head and probably a lot of other people, you can deny the actual reality and ship it anyway (Sherlock... Johnlock, ship it.) But this is only one thing. If you're anything like me you start seeing pairings and ships in other things you are a fan of.
From Ship to Armada
This is where things vary from person to person. I have an armada of ships. So many that I forget that I ship something and don't remember until I circle back to that fandom. I've tried to keep a list but I forget to update it. Shipping can take over your life if you aren't careful. My friends can vouch for me, I have been known to look up from the book we are reading in AP Lit and say, " (name of character) and (name of other character), ship it." and go back to reading. (BTW, Newt and that other Irish guy, ship it.) But what turns a few ships into an armada, to me it takes a mix of things. My armada involves multiple ships within a fandom, ships from various fandoms, crossover ships, submarines, and ships from my everyday life (that bagger and the check out person at Publix, ship it.) Ships come in all shapes and sizes...
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The arrow is as straight as my otp. |
Submarines... This is a concept that I'm trying to help take off, so I'm including it.
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Shipping IRL
I do ship in real life. I ship real people. I don't usually advertise my ships. But I do. I've been known to ship random people at Publix. Random things in my front yard... TOPBOGIMFL Fandom!!!

Yeah, fangirls, fanboys (though I haven't met many), and shippers are nuts.
My shipping motto: If it fits, it ships. (Take that however you like). {Side note: Thank you USPS flat rate shipping, you just handed me my shipping motto}
What this means is whatever you want it to mean, lol. Seriously, so many ways you can take that. The general answer as to what it means is that if I feel that it would work and produce shenanigans and something amazing and adorable and "OMG, I can't live without this ship" feelings, then I ship it.
Sometimes it takes me a while to ship something (Hamlet and Horatio, two reads and five years) and sometime it takes me a second to ship something (Johnlock and Janto). Ship it, ship everything, ship all the pairings. It's okay to have multiple pairings for one character (Stony, Frostiron, Hawkiron, once Fury/Tony... yeah that was weird but it worked for that one moment). As long as it makes you happy, go for it. Ship what you want (McNozzo, Percy/Oliver, Hotch/Reid, Google/Yahoo, Tumblr itself). Now for some tumblr things to make sense of those last two ships...
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Personally, I ship Link/Quote, Chat/Video, and Text/Photo with Audio being the guiding force that gets everyone together! |
BTW.... Sorry this next one is looooong...

And then after all that THIS still happens...

And this...

So anyway, that's shipping and a few of my many ships. I ship anything and everything, nothing is safe. Until next time, Sanders out.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Tech Support
Ok, so you have a tech issue and for the life of you, you can't figure out what's wrong or how to fix it. Who do you call? Tech support. You wait three to six hours on the phone to get patched to a human and then you hear the phone click as the annoying music stops playing and suddenly you remember that the company you're calling outsources and you think, "I hate this. Why did I call these people."
Tech support has a bad rep. Customer service in general has a bad rep. But the one customer service "desk" that doesn't have a bad rep in my book is Electronic Arts support. I love EA's support team. They are awesome and if you take the time to be nice and not call them while your plumbob is red (lol, Sims reference), they'll help you. I've heard of people not liking EA's support but the majority of people that I've read comments from in forums, YouTube comments and tweets, like EA's support. I've had to contact them at least three times and each time I came out victorious with my problem solved. From what I can tell, EA doesn't outsource, or if they do they managed to get the good people. However, EA's support (and the company in general) hasn't always been sunshine and daisies. Three years ago, EA was named the worst company in America (apparently they got that infamous title two years in a row). After a turnover in CEOs and maybe a few executives, the company has been working hard to redeem itself. Looking into it, it's actually a great story to read about how it went from loved to hated to regaining the trust of the gamer community. Here's a CNet article from 2015: How Electronic Arts Stopped Being the Worst Company in America
Anyway, I love EA games. I love how the company is working to make the customers happy and can't wait to see what happens with the company in the future. Now I have sims to mess with, so for now, Sanders out.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Review: 2016-17 Phantom of the Opera Tour
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Review: Ace Attorney Anime
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Anime Phoenix |
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Dual Destinies Phoenix |
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Original Original Phoenix from GBA Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney |
Monday, April 11, 2016
Peacocks and Cat Calls
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Female Peafowl - Peahen |
He started out trying to court this peahen. |
After she walked off, he did his thing towards me. |
At this point, I can't help but wonder if maybe he knows what a camera is and is therefore posing. |
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Plot Lines and Crossed Lines
In Brave New World, chapter 3 had three different scenes going on at once and the way it was written was that it would have a clump from one thing and then jump to another and then jump to another and continue that way in no particular order. The clumps got progressively smaller until it was just a sentence or two from one thing before jumping. Reading chapter 3 of Brave New World was the most fun I've had with a book in a long time. Until Arcadia that is.
With Arcadia, I had fun figuring things out and keeping track of the events happening in the past and present. For whatever reason, keeping track of multiple plot lines comes somewhat easy to me. Do I get things mixed up, turned around, and crossed? Yes, I do sometimes more on that later. But the fact that my mind is able to keep up with things and switch to something else at the drop of a hat amazes me (Probably how I'm able to adjust the settings on my camera without much thought). Normally, my mental things like this stay in realm of lit and my entertainment, but recently a concept in econ put my plot line thing to use.
In econ, we recently (I say recently but it was two weeks ago) did game theory and worked with the matrix table thingy. The thing about game theory and such is that you have to pay attention to the details given and which things go with which player and what happens if one player does one thing. Multiple factors, multiple outcomes. Plot lines, that's all it is.
Now, the lines crossed thing. Sometimes I do get things mixed up or smush things together. I call it getting my lines crossed. When I'm actively working multiple things and I'm dealing with various casts of characters and their own plots, I sometimes have to stop and remember what I'm working on and what has already happened. Sometimes I have to reread something and refresh what I had happen. There have been moments when I've stopped and gone, "Wait, this happened? I thought it was this that and the other." Sometimes I'll smash two characters together and think they are one. I get lines crossed. It's inevitable. But sometimes my line crossing flows into other things. Today, I smushed two different types of graphs together into one in econ. Right type of market, but with the product and factor market graphs smushed together. *Shrugs* Meh, stranger things have happened.
So yeah, plot lines. Plot lines, plot lines, plot lines. Not sure if anything I just said made any sense, but if it did yay, winning at life. I might do a brain dump or another "Broadway and lit" thing (the last one I did like that was in October with The Tempest). For now, Sanders out.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Really Brain, We're Going To Do THIS Now
Random Sticky Note
I have a random sticky note on my desktop. On it, it says, "Flash drive is a representation of my life." I wrote that about a week ago or something, I really don't know. Anyway, now I'm trying to remember why the flash drive represents my life. It was probably because things get added to it, taken out, and, when I don't keep track of how often I've used it, probably has a lot of random stuff on it that I forgot existed. Yeah that sums everything up. It gets used and guarded and for a while, the only goal is to not lose it. I live and try to not die (I'll get to that at some point) and for a moment, everything is more or less in order and I try not to loose my marbles or something. I lose it, or leave it somewhere and look at it everyday but still forget that it exists. My life falls apart (happens semi-often), or I loose my hold on reality and the plane of existence and only go through the motions of life. It's small and easy to forget about (old memory from my past that I don't like to dredge up). It's contents change but the outside stays the same. Okay, so I don't look the same but the basic concept is there, I grow, I change, I have character traits that are very different from the ones I had when I was younger. The flash drive is a representation of my life... I like it.
Seriously Brain, Why?!?!
In my Lit class, we are reading Arcadia. So after day one of reading about carnal embrace and the running gag that followed, I walked into class with my inner self really wanting to make a "That's what she said" joke. Skip to the end of the day, I'm in 7th period and my teacher has a couple of the guys go get some butcher paper.
Guy 1: What color paper do you want?
Teacher: I would prefer white, but really something I can write on.
My Brain: That's what she said.
Me: Why brain, why?
Stop It Brain, You KNOW This
Another thing my brain has been doing is registering things strangely. Like I know, my teacher was wearing a navy shirt, but my brain was registering it as purple. Like legit, I say to myself, "That shirt is navy" and in my mind would say "That shirt is purple." And then a friend of mind takes Spanish and I know she takes Spanish. That's all she's taken since freshman year. And my brain was like, "She just came from Chinese class." My brain is strange and I'm pretty sure I'm going mad. It's irritating to look at something and have to process for a moment what the heck it is. I just looked at my camera, my partner in crime, my one true love (too far? Too bad *sticks out tounge*) and was like, "You are red... You're a Nikon... I gave you a name... Ooo pineapple juice, wait that can is empty... Oh! You're name is RoA... Wait, that's right but wrong... Ages, Rock of Ages." And then I turned to my beautiful film camera and was like, "I think you're Ted. No Ted is my favorite chart. You're Colonel. Not that's not right. General? No... Major, like Major General Sir. Right..." I'm loosing myself right? Maybe not... Who knows. I don't, and my brain sure doesn't. I would say stranger things have happened, but I can't think of any examples.
Lines Of Dialogue, But No Plot
I'm a creator. I create things. Whether or not those things come to physical form in the real world is another mater. I see a blank room and I think about the different ways I could paint and design it. I visualize photo shoots that I would run if I had the money or contacts. I come up with creatures and beings that I would love to be able to draw and give life to. I write to share what's in my head. The characters I create and take time to give a past to mean so much to me. In my head, there is a section dedicated to them, like a large room really (like the room of requirement in Harry Potter) where I can mentally check on them and see what they are doing at the moment and can listen to them and converse with them sometime (I usually keep my original characters separated from the characters I'm attached too from various fandoms- Bryan Caplan and Tony Stark must never meet... Same with Conrad Heist and Anthony DiNozzo... Don't get me started on the disaster that would be Loki and Ryan Colbert [daddy issues to the max and Ryan is impressionable right now]). Anyway, lately I've had only a few ideas on how to move my plot lines forward. What I have in surplus are various dialogues that don't really fit with anything, and it's not dialogues that are feel good fluff pieces either. I'm getting snippets of pure sarcasm and internal monologues that aren't mine. I'm getting words that mean nothing to me (it's my brain's way of trying to speak Latin, that much I know). I'm getting supernatural beings that I'm slowly creating. I'm getting images of groups in cloaks paired with gothic instrumentals. It's strange. My brain gets like this every so often when I get stressed with the world and such. It's been a while. The last time it happened I created my own "universe" (our world, my terms) and two casts of characters with a connection between two, one from each cast (Neil Heist and Conrad Heist, brothers). I really don't want to end up with another acronym obsessed character Bryan Caplan is hard enough to deal with (once I've taken the time to give them a personality I don't have control over what they do). So for now, I'll probably just jot down ideas, write lines of random dialogue, and maybe even do some character creation. I'll probably also take a few back to the drawing board and either rework them (if they go willingly that's a sign I'm doing the right thing) or add to their pasts and personality (that can be fun, but sometimes painful because reasons).
So that's my brain dump. I'm probably slowly loosing myself or something but that's okay I always find myself again in the end. So for now, Sanders out.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Di Immortales!
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Creative Competitions
Monday, February 22, 2016
I've Got A Theory
What is it?
Pack Theory is the idea that our social structure within groups is similar to that of a wolf pack. You have the big bosses on top which are the alphas. The subordinates that still have power (probably your boss that you answer to) which are the betas. And then all the underlings after that are the omegas. This concept can apply almost anywhere; a big corporation, a small start up, school, family, even within your own group of friends (although my particular group of friends doesn't really roll this way, at least I don't think we do). Does it apply to our government? In some ways it does, but overall, not really. But let's not dwell on what may or may not be, instead let's look at some breakdowns. Please note when I say omega, I don't mean it in a bad way, it's just a way of saying not major power and not management, also the way I may rank things might be different from how you might view things, it's just my opinion.
This is probably the easiest to imagine, explain, wrap your mind around. In a business, whether it's a small start up or a huge corporation, there are higher ups and underlings. In a small start up, the pack is small and most likely depends on one another more, so the line between alpha and omegas are not quite there yet. Most likely everyone is operating on a beta level with the owner or whatever being the alpha. Are there omegas? Yes, but since a small start up is trying to be more, the lines are blurred. They are there, but blurred. However, if you look at a mega corporation, there are various packs within one huge pack (remember similar to a wolf pack; never said only one pack per group). The large pack being the whole company. The CEO and probably the CFO (one more I just can't remember the last one) are the alphas (ignore the board of directors in my brain they don't exist even though they are above the CEO). Under the alphas are a string of betas that have varied amounts of power. The betas are your department heads, managers, team leaders, etc. Then the omegas are everyone else. Within a corporation, there might be various offices in various cities which have their own structures. This is where the packs within a large pack comes from.
This is more of a faux pack. No one usually holds any real power but there are those who might have a higher social standing. In this sense, the "popular" kids are the alphas. The not "lame" kids are the betas. There's the kids who are just there and aren't really anything. And then there's the kids at the bottom of the pack who are the omegas. Basic stuff, you didn't really need me to spell it out for you, but I did anyway. There's also the rank of grade level. Generally the freshmen are the omegas. Sophomores are kind of just there. Juniors could be seen as betas (personally I see them as just there). And then seniors are a mix of alphas and betas. Cliques, teams, clubs, (groups really) all have their own order of things as well.
There's an order to things in most families. There is usually a matriarchal or patriarchal figure, their favorites/those who try to take control, and then the rest of the family. Pretty straight forward. Probably a hierarchy among genders and age groups, as well as among various sides of the family.
Most likely, a group of friends is going to be made up of a few alphas and the rest betas, no one is really an omega. When I say alpha, I mean those who are primary decision makers, the ones that usually have final say, or at least seem to have all the "power." I'm not saying that alphas in a group of friends are like dictators. That's not at all what I'm saying. The line between alpha and beta are barely there; it all just blends together. (I'm trying to convey what's in my brain, but it might be getting lost in translation) To me there aren't really an omegas in a group of friends, everyone is more or less on equal ground.
Anyway, that's more or less Pack Theory. It's a still a work in progress. I'm still trying to figure out lone wolves and coyotes, as well as other ways this might apply. I'm not saying that this is exactly how everything works, just that this is the general trend that I've interpreted. Humans are strange, unique and generally unpredictable creatures. Pack Theory is meant to be a basic framework of how social order might stand. I hope you enjoyed it. Later this week I might post something about the various generations (generation Y, millennials, generation Z, etc.) For now though, Sanders out.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Hail Mary's and Staying Grounded
Monday, February 8, 2016
The Borg and The Q
"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."The Borg generally didn’t open communications with others, but if they did they chose a single drone to speak for the Collective (hive mind and all so it worked for them). The Borg have a queen, the Borg Queen, but the nature of her role is a bit murky. As far as religion, the closet thing they have to one is a near-reverence for particle 010 (Omega molecule that is highly unstable and is believed to be the most powerful substance known to exist; the explosion of one molecule could destroy all of subspace within several light years). The Borg consider the particle to be an expression of perfection (even though one molecule destroyed 29 Borg vessels and 600,000 drones).
What makes the Borg so strong and near impossible to defeat, is their technology. The Borg’s technology is a combination of technologies assimilated from other cultures and technology developed within the Collective in order to overcome obstacles to its goals. If there is a problem it couldn’t solve, the entire Collective would work in concert to consider all possible solutions and use the one determined to be most efficient. By using the unique skills of each drone for a task, the Collective could engineer new technologies at an astounding pace. Their speed is so quick when adapting that they could modulate their shields and weapons to be effective against most ships and energy weapons in seconds. Borg ships are usually common geometric shapes, the most common being the Borg cube and Borg sphere. The ships were highly decentralized and without a clear bridge, engineering, or living areas. Their ships could analyze opponent’s weapons systems and adapt defenses within seconds. If the ship was hit, the ship would begin repairing itself.
The death of a Q was said to cause chaos in the Continuum. When one of the Q killed himself to end the stagnation in the Continuum, the Continuum entered a massively destructive civil war. The two factions constructed weapons that could compromise the immortality of a Q. When the weapons were fired in the Continuum, massive damage to subspace occurred and some stars in normal space went supernova. Subspace eventually became so damaged that the Q outside of the Continuum lost their powers and immortality. Eventually a new Q was born and a cease fire was called. The damage was restored and the Q went back to being near omnipotent and invincible.
Q is a member of the Q (confusing I know). He is considered to be obnoxious, interfering, and a pest. While he demonstrates superior capabilities, his mindset is unlike what Federation scientists expected for a powerful being. But under all his irritating personality, Q seems to have a hidden agenda that generally have the best interests of humanity at their core. The Federation first encountered Q when he appeared on the USS Enterprise-D. He warned the crew that Humanity should return to their home star system or be destroyed. When the crew resisted, he put Humanity on trial with Captain Picard and his command crew as representatives. Q accused Humanity of being a “dangerous, savage child-race.” Eventually, Picard was able to convince Q that Humanity had evolved beyond its old savagery. Q continued to appear to the crew of the Enterprise-D, usually with some new adventure that the crew would rather find themselves and not brought to them, or thrust upon them. Q is an interesting reoccurring character and I can always count on something interesting to happen when he’s around. Q is one of only four characters to appear in all three Star Trek series based in the 24th century; Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager.